
Welcome to Larell One Step Denture
A significant BREAKTHROUGH in how dentures are made. Introducing the Larell One Hour, one visit denture.
Without the need for an outside lab, our dentures are designed to offer a very efficient way to fabricate full dentures, immediate dentures and implant overdentures. Our technique was developed after many years of research and development. They have been used by dental professionals, dental schools, and philanthropic dental missions for over 10 years in the United States and throughout the world.
Complete Dentures
The basis of the Larell denture is a thermoplastic preformed denture. The teeth are quality Myerson Kenson teeth, preset individually for efficient customization. There are five sizes of denture bases available which will fit almost every patient. The thermoplastic base is easily moldable when heated in the boiling pot we provide with the kit. After obtaining a model of the arch, the dentist chooses the correct size base which is formed to the model.
This technique combines all of the stages of denture fabrication into one step, eliminating the need for wax rims, wax try in or custom trays.
A standard chairside reline is then accomplished. Either a hard reline or soft reline can be done to achieve maximum fit and comfort. This entire process is completed chairside in about an hour start to finish! A win-win situation for dentist and patient.
Immediate Dentures
Larell dentures are ideal for immediate dentures. There is no delay in treatment time. Patients are often in pain and seeking immediate relief. The Larell technique to accomplish an immediate denture is similar to the full denture. The teeth are removed first and the arches are prepared. An impression is then made of the arch and a model created in stone. The denture is then made with the same technique as above. The fit is ideal since it is relined directly in the patient's mouth and not sent to an outside lab and completed on an articulator.
Implant Overdentures
With the standard of care now being two or four dental implants to stabilize lower dentures, the Larell technique is an ideal economic way to incorporate the Larell One Step Denture with with immediate load implants. The implants are placed and the attachments are picked up in the denture as it is relined. This provides an efficiently done stable lower denture completed in about two hours, including complete denture fabrication.
Over 40 million people in the US currently need dentures with 2-3 million more needing them each year. This is an excellent way to enhance and grow your practice efficiently, profitably, and provide the services so many people need and desire.
Welcome to Larell One Step Denture |
Welcome to Larell One Step Denture |
Welcome to Larell One Step Denture |
Welcome to Larell One Step Denture |